About Us


The Bangladeshi Islamic Centre (BIC) is a formally constituted, community led, independent charitable organisation, committed to the alleviation of disadvantage, inequality and deprivation through a targeted range of services to the communities of Sandwell and with a particular focus upon the Bangladeshi community. Among the wide range of services we provide, information, advice & guidance is amongst the most important to our communities with an average well in excess of 1,000 clients per annum coming to us for support.

Established in 1986, we have continued to evolve and emerge as a respected and prominent organization and have achieved a long track record of success in building strong and supportive relationships with a wide range partners and stakeholders through the delivery of our services.

We are particularly proud of our successes in bridging the gap between our public sector partners and the communities we represent. Our Key Service Areas are:

  • Community centre management
  • Sustainability & Partnership Development
  • Advice, Information & Welfare
  • Healthy Living
  • Women’s Development & Empowerment
  • Young People’s Social, Educational & Economic Development
  • Community Centre Development


The strategic and operational governance of our organisation is provided by the BIC Management Committee, the powers, protocols and administrative arrangements for which are laid down within our constitution and supplementary governing documents.

In accordance with our commitment to inclusivity and representativeness, our Management Committee comprises a membership of 9 elected and 4 co-opted members.

The principal duties of the Management Committee are:

  • The provision of strategic direction of BIC.
  • The definition and application of the operational and administrative policies and procedures of BIC.
  • To ensure probity in the financial administration and reporting.
  • To ensure that the organisation upholds the highest standards in respect of its diversity & equality policy and practice.

For reasons of expediency, and to provide channels for local people to influence the direction of the organisation, the Management Committee delegates aspects of their responsibility to a formal structure of project based sub-committees covering each of the key services areas of BIC. These are our Key Service Areas as mentioned above.

From an organization formed in 1980 by a local community activist, Mr Musleh Uddin, the Bangladeshi Islamic Association emerged as a vital champion for local people. As demand grew the Association converted a small terraced house and in 1983, formed the Bangladeshi Islamic Centre which provided a focal point for people in need to come to for support and advice.

As demand for our services increased it became clear that larger premises were needed and in 1985, we acquired and refurbished the premises that we still occupy today. Since its official opening in 1986 the Bangladeshi Islamic Centre [BIC] has built a long and proud tradition of delivering a range of important services to the communities that are most in need and who our public sector partners find amongst some of the hardest to reach, most vulnerable communities within Sandwell.

As a community based organisation, formed by local people – for local people, we have grown organically and in direct response to the identifiable needs of our communities over the past 27 years. Today we are now recognised as a stable and important provider of vital support to amongst the most excluded and disadvantaged communities within Sandwell.